- Continuing Medical Education Planning Committee
- Evaluating Committee
- Executive Committee
- Fellow Award, Honors and Memorials Committee
- Finance
- Government Affairs
- Membership Committee
- Nominating Committee
- Publications & Communication
- Journal Subcommittee
- Virtual Resource Center Subcommittee
- Social Media Subcommittee
- Rules, Regulations & Bylaws
- Residents & Fellows
- Strategic Planning Committee
- Program Directors Committee
Continuing Medical Education Planning Committee
The purpose of this committee is to design patient centered evidence-based continuing medical education programs for the AOAO. The committee will also design programs ensuring sufficient CME credits in accordance with requirements established by the AOA/AOBOS. The committee will ensure quality moderators are appointed for each session and assist them in enlisting quality presenters to meet the mission of the Academy. The Committee will provide innovative ideas for new and relevant programs, and oversee all AOAO educational activities.
The Chairman of the committee is appointed annually by the President.
The Committee shall consist of such number of members as the President, in conjunction with the Chairman, shall appoint to serve such terms as the President shall determine. Membership will include one resident.
The committee will meet approximately twice per year either by Zoom or in person during an annual meeting. Committee members will assist with review of speaker slides to ensure there is no commercial bias or copyright infringement.
Evaluating Committee
The purpose of this Committee is to oversee the postdoctoral residency training programs in Osteopathic orthopedic surgery and its associated fellowship training programs accredited by the AOA. Members must have a sincere interest in residency or fellow education and be AOBOS certified for the duration of their terms. Active participation in a training program is strongly recommended.
The chairman of the Committee shall be appointed by the President, with the approval of the Board of Directors. Members are appointed by the President in conjunction with the Chairman. The number of members shall be determined by the President, in conjunction with the Chairman.
The Committee shall meet a minimum of two times yearly with one of the meetings being face to face if necessary. Other meetings shall be held via teleconference at times determined by the Chairman or President.
Executive Committee
The purpose of the Committee shall be to perform such duties as assigned to it by the Board of Directors including, but not limited to, ethical or professional complaints of any AOAO member. Any actions taken by the Committee between meetings of the Directors shall be formally approved by the Board of Directors.
Members of the Committee are the President, First Vice President, Second Vice President, Third Vice President, and Executive Director.
Fellow Award, Honors and Memorials Committee
The purpose of the Committee is to review candidates for the title of “Fellow” of the AOAO and forward their recommendation to the Board. The committee is to periodically review the Fellow award process, including the point system, forwarding their recommendations to the Board. The committee is also charged with reviewing nominations for the Don Siehl, Humanitarian and Morton Morris Award recipients, forwarding their recommendations to the Board.
The chairman of the Committee is appointed annually by the President.
The Committee shall consist of such number of members as the President, in conjunction with the Chairman, shall appoint to serve for such term as the President shall determine. It is strongly suggested that Fellow members serve on this committee.
The Committee shall meet as directed by the Chairman or the President.
The purpose of the Committee is to oversee the investments of the AOAO, review financial reports twice yearly and approve special non-budgeted expenditures over $5,000.
The Chairman shall be the Secretary/Treasurer of the AOAO. Committee members are the Executive Director, President, First Vice President, Second Vice President, Third Vice President and a Director. The Director on the Committee shall be appointed annually by the President.
Government Affairs
The purpose of this Committee is to evaluate governmental policies pertaining to the practice of orthopedic surgery, work with the AOA to advocate for political and educational equity for Osteopathic orthopedists, review position statements and provide information to the AOAO members on governmental and regulatory issues affecting the practice of orthopedic surgery. The Committee also participates with the AAOS Orthopaedic PAC Advisors’ Circle. Members selected from this committee will be asked to provide a leadership role for the AOAO within the PAC to maximize political opportunities of issues important to the orthopedic community.
The Chairman of the Committee will be appointed annually by the President.
The Committee shall consist of such number of members as the President, in conjunction with the Chairman, shall appoint to serve for such term as the President shall determine. Members will include one resident.
Membership Committee
The purpose of this committee is to assist the administrative office with recruitment and retention strategies.
Nominating Committee
The purpose of the Committee is to identify candidates for potential positions on the AOAO Board of Directors and AOA Committees. The committee shall annually name one candidate for President, 1st Vice President, 2nd Vice President, 3rd Vice President, and Secretary/Treasurer. The committee shall nominate candidates for membership on the Board of Directors for a term of three years.
Members of the Committee are the immediate Past President, as Chairman, the President, and First Vice President and the Executive Director as an ad hoc member.
Responsibilities of the Chair
The Chair will lead the committee in selecting the slate of officers for the Academy each year and will work with the Executive Office to determine the timeline for the nominations process. The Chair can expect to spend no more than 2 hours annually.
Publications & Communication
The purpose of the Committee is to develop and oversee the AOAO’s publications, website, and social media campaign.
The Committee shall include the Editors, Chairs and members of each subcommittees including representatives of the RAOAO and the SAOAO. Additional members shall be appointed by the President in conjunction with the Chairman annually.
The Chairman of the Committee is appointed annually by the President. The committee shall meet as directed by the Chairman or the President.
Journal Subcommittee (of the Publications and Communications Committee)
The Editor-in-Chief of The JAOAO oversees the Editorial Board for this peer reviewed publication. The Editor-in-Chief communicates with the Executive Office to ensure deadlines are met and can expect to spend approximately 2-3 hours per issue. There are currently 3 issues published annually. It is the responsibility of the Editor-in-Chief to select the Editorial Board as needed.
Virtual Resource Center Subcommittee (of the Publications and Communications Committee)
The purpose of the Virtual Resource Center Subcommittee is to oversee and improve upon the Virtual Resource Center for AOAO members across all demographics. The subcommittee shall be comprised of such number of members as the President, in conjunction with the Chairperson shall appoint to serve such terms as the President shall determine. Membership will include at least one Program Director, one resident, and one student member.
Social Media Subcommittee (of the Publications and Communications Committee)
The purpose of the committee is to advance the Academy’s social media presence by following AOAO on appropriate social media platforms as well as assisting with promoting meetings and initiatives. The committee will work closely with the Executive Office and the social media consulting firm to achieve these goals.
Rules, Regulations & Bylaws
The purpose of this committee is to review the Constitution and Bylaws of the AOAO, making recommendations to the Board for revisions to keep the documents updated.
Residents & Fellows
The purpose of the Committee is to peer review and score submitted abstracts for the Annual Fall Meeting. The committee should be comprised of at least three members from each specialty. The Chairman of the Committee is appointed annually by the President. The Committee shall consist of such number of members as the President, in conjunction with the Chairman, shall appoint to serve for such term as the president shall determine. The Committee shall meet as directed by the Chairman or President.
Strategic Planning Committee
The purpose of the Committee is to review the current Strategic Plan and to develop additional strategic initiatives for the Academy for recommendation to the approval by the Board of Directors. The chairman is appointed annually by the President. This committee shall consist of such number of members as the President, in conjunction with the Chairman, shall appoint for such term as the President shall determine.
Program Directors Committee
The Program Directors Committee shall consist of a Chairperson, Vice Chair and other members all chosen from the program directors of previously AOA accredited orthopedic surgery residencies or fellowships. The chairperson and vice chair will serve two year terms. The purpose of the Committee is to inspire and empower program directors of previously AOA accredited residencies and fellowships in the following areas:
- Promote the osteopathic model of training competent community orthopedic surgeons in the ACGME and CORD
- Promote osteopathic recognition for all DOs in ACGME training by developing a profession wide osteopathic recognition curriculum
- Promote faculty development useful to all program directors
- To be the voice of and advocate for all DOs training in ACGME residencies and fellowships
- Provide a means by which orthopedic training programs may voice concerns with the goal of seeking appropriate resolutions to their concerns through meeting during each AOAO Annual Meeting.