AOAO Foundation Scholarships

The AOAO Foundation is proud to support AOAO members through these scholarship opportunities. Applications are currently being accepted.

Deadline to submit applications is May 1, 2025.


AOAO Foundation/ARAS Section Scholarship – $2,500

Criteria for Selection

The recipient of this scholarship will be an AOAO member in the category of active, military, transitional, resident or fellow. All interested members must submit an application outlining their plans for the scholarship. The recipient must agree to provide a detailed report within one year of receipt of the scholarship.

Scholarship funds may be used for one or more of the following:

  • Research Project related to joint arthroplasty
  • Community service project related to joint arthroplasty
  • Purchase of educational materials or equipment related to joint arthroplasty



The recipient of this scholarship will be selected by at least one officer from the Foundation and one officer from the Adult Reconstruction Section from among submitted applications. The award will be presented and announced during the ARAS Session at Annual Fall Meeting by a Section Officer or Foundation Officer.




AOAO Foundation/Hand Section Mission Scholarship – $2,000

The recipient of this scholarship will be a current DO hand surgery fellow and member of the AOAO.


A panel of Hand Section leaders will select one recipient annually to receive this scholarship.

Submission Requirements

  • Personal Statement including an outline and dates of your planned trip
  • Include the location of your fellowship
  • CV
  • If selected, you must write an article about your experience for The Orthopod. Reimbursement will be provided after receipt of your article submission.




AOAO Foundation/Pediatric Section Scholarship – $2,000

The purpose of this award is to recognize an Osteopathic: medical student, orthopedic resident, or pediatric orthopedic fellow who has completed a research project pertaining to pediatric orthopedics.


A panel of Pediatric Section leaders may select one recipient annually to receive this scholarship.

Submission Requirements

  • Current Osteopathic medical student, orthopedic resident or pediatric orthopedic fellow
  • A completed pediatric orthopedic research project
  • CV
  • Award winner will present their research at the podium at the Fall AOAO meeting during the pediatric session
  • Award prize will be used toward the travel and lodging at the Fall AOAO meeting





AOAO Foundation/Spine Section Scholarship – $2,500

Criteria for Selection

The recipient of this scholarship will be a resident or fellow member of the AOAO. Interested residents or fellows must submit an application outlining plans for the scholarship. The recipient must agree to provide a detailed report within one year of receipt of the scholarship.

Scholarship funds may be used for one or more of the following: 

  • Research Project related to Spine Surgery
  • Community service project related to Spine Surgery
  • Purchase of educational materials or equipment related to Spine Surgery.


The recipient will be selected by at least one officer from the Foundation and one officer from the Spine Section from among submitted applications. Recipient must agree to attend and present during the Spine Session at Annual Fall Meeting. This scholarship will be presented to the recipient by a Section Officer or Foundation Officer during that session.



Outstanding Student Scholarship

The Outstanding Student Scholarship recipient will be selected by the AOAO Foundation Board based on AOAO membership, activities in their college of osteopathic medicine, volunteer services, leadership roles, and research projects.

The award is presented during the Awards Ceremony at the Annual Fall Meeting. The recipient must be present to receive the award. Included with the award will be $250, complimentary registration, recognition in The Orthopod and a plaque.