Deadline for Submissions: February 15
What does it mean to be a Fellow of the Academy?
The designation of Award of Fellow is bestowed upon members who have served the Academy, their hospital/practice, community and/or certifying board. Fellow members receive points for their experience in leadership positions within this Academy as well as other member organizations. They may also receive points for their published research as well as for their role in osteopathic orthopedic education.
Who May Apply?
Active, Military, Life, Retired or Disabled members in good standing with the Academy may apply. Members must have met both the dues and meeting requirements.
What are the Requirements?
To apply for the Award of Fellow, members must:
- Complete an Award of Fellow application through the Academy’s website. Applications will only be received online by February 15th of the year the candidate is to be approved.
- Members who qualify must be sponsored by a Fellow member of the Academy. A sponsor may nominate a member for the Award of Fellow; however, he or she must contact the member and refer them to the online submission process. Fellows of the Academy may sponsor more than one applicant.
- A minimum of 100 points is required in order to be considered for Award of Fellow. Proceed to the application for details of how to earn points. Read the application carefully and thoroughly and provide documentation to support ALL points claimed.
Selection Process
The Fellow Award, Honors, and Memorials Committee reviews completed applications and appropriate documentation provided by the AOAO administrative office after the deadline. The Committee then makes a recommendation to the Board of Directors. The AOAO administrative office notifies the recipient of Award of Fellow, as well as the Sponsor, of the decision by the Board of Directors. The Award of Fellow will be conferred at the Annual Meeting and the recipient must be present or the Award of Fellow will be made at the next Annual Meeting at which the recipient is present. Applications and supporting documentation must be submitted by February 15th of the year in which the candidate is to be approved. If a submitted application is incomplete or if the candidate is not felt to qualify by the Fellow Award, Memorials and Honors Committee and the AOAO Board, the candidate may notify the AOAO office that they wish to re-apply for the next year. The original application will then be made available for edits, without a candidate having to complete a whole new application for the next year.
Appeals Process
If an applicant is denied the Award of Fellow, he or she may apply the following year. Applicants may appeal to the AOAO Board of Directors if they feel wrongly denied and request to be reconsidered. The appeal must be submitted in writing to James S. Mason, DO, FAOAO, AOAO Executive Director, at the headquarters office within 30 days after notification of denial. Dr. Mason will then present the request to the Board in a timely manner for their decision.
The 2025 application is now closed. The application will re-open for 2026 by May 1, 2025.